Have you secured your ticket to “Designing for the Human Life Cycle in a Time of Climate Uncertainty” for this Friday?

There are still some tickets available to attend this breakfast event.  To book your ticket or for more information click here

As extreme weather events become more frequent, we as built environment professionals increasingly need to consider the impacts of the built form on all stages of the human life cycle and build resilience into our urban areas.

Join us for a two-hour breakfast event with a panel of diverse and engaging speakers each speaking for 10-15 mins and then moving to a Q&A.

Speakers include:

  • Tom Irvine CE of Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Whai Maia approaching the issue from the perspective of Tangata whenua with an intergenerational perspective on how whanau engage with our built environment and Te Taiao more holistically
  • Alexandra Bonham (Waitemata Local Board member and PhD candidate) will share her research into a child-friendly city and the connection between resilience and play in our urban areas
  • Andrew Mein (Auckland Transport) will speak to some of the challenges of attracting people into the city while building more people-centric and resilient transport infrastructure
  • Emma Todd (Boffa Miskell) will talk about creating community focused living for seniors

This event is co-hosted by UDINZ and UDF as part of the Auckland Climate Festival.

To book your ticket or for more information click here

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