Coalition for More Homes shows Auckland Council the way

The most commonly occurring building type in the vast majority of global cities is a three-storey terraced house. Its front faces the street and is built up from one side property boundary to the next, recognising that the next plot along will repeat the pattern. This highly flexible and repeatable form makes up the perimeter block typology of urban places. What is achieved is a highly adaptable building, street, block and city form. It deals with overlooking and privacy because windows face onto the public street or into the private rear of the plot. So why are Aotearoa cities not achieving it?

The link is for the Coalition for More Homes submission to the Medium Density Residential Standards. The Coalition is a group of citizens and organisations calling for more homes in the right places, to support vibrant local centres, great neighbourhoods and quality homes across Auckland for a more equitable, sustainable future. For more information or to join –




2 thoughts on “Coalition for More Homes shows Auckland Council the way”

  1. Richard John Dunbar

    I saw this somewhere recently (a University thesis?) . I applaud the concepts but wondered how realistic they would be for brownfield sites? How can the site aggregation be achieved without public backlash? A familiar problem for planners everywhere. I think we will need to focus on better mid-rise apartments in suburban settings. This is where the volume will come from.

  2. A great set of alternate development standards Ben and co. Many thanks for sharing here and I hope you’re supportive of some of us south of the Bombay’s borrowing elements in our own submissions. Nga mihi, Anna

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